First day of my new job + what the HELL is wrong with my leg?!!

I started my new job today!! I really enjoyed it. At first, I was quite worried that I would forget all of my customer service and cash handling experience, but I’m actually feeling pretty confident about it now I’ve done a shift. I was absolutely frozen afterwards though, and am back in at 6 tomorrowContinueContinue reading “First day of my new job + what the HELL is wrong with my leg?!!”

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas everyone! I wasn’t going to post tonight but I find myself wide awake in bed once again, so thought I would. It’s so strange, because I haven’t had sleeping problems at all really since last February when I started on amitriptyline, apart from night terrors and sleep paralysis, which I get when I’mContinueContinue reading “Christmas Day”

Animals and chronic pain

I have a day in of organising and relaxing today. My stomach has been playing up a little more which is a bad sign, however I am trying to ignore it and get into a festive mood. Inside my mind, I am stressing out about everything: whether my wage will be okay on payday (Friday),ContinueContinue reading “Animals and chronic pain”

Flare up? And Lady Gaga

Last night, I knew that I was starting to get a flare up. The first signs are usually spasms on my left hand side, and crippling stomach pains which come and go. I hadn’t taken codeine for almost a week, and when I realised that I needed some before bed, I noticed that I onlyContinueContinue reading “Flare up? And Lady Gaga”