An FAQ Post on My Chronic + Mental Illnesses

Life Update: March 2019

TRIGGER WARNING- MENTION OF EATING DISORDERS + SUICIDAL THOUGHTS Hi everyone! I’ve been wanting to get this post up for the last couple of weeks, but I’ve been struggling to write much and there were some posts that I wanted to get up first. If you haven’t checked out those already, you can find themContinueContinue reading “Life Update: March 2019”

Drift Away

Trigger warning: Mentions of child abuse, rape, pedophilia, dissociation and eating disorders I’ve been drifting away when a situation has been too difficult for me to mentally deal with for as long as I can remember, so long that I just assumed everyone else did. I’ve done the same with blocking out chunks of myContinueContinue reading “Drift Away”

My Depression

TW: MENTIONS OF SELF HARM, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS + EATING DISORDERS Since my physical pains have become worse, more consistent and harder to deal with, my episodes of severe depression have also become worse. I’ve talked about it on here before, but I’ve been struggling more and more recently and I feel that I need toContinueContinue reading “My Depression”

Why Don’t I Want to Write Anymore?

I really wasn’t planning on taking a break here. I had already taken a couple of weeks away from uploading in January, and as far as I was concerned, that was enough for me. However, for some reason, every time I have tried to sit down and write, I’ve just ended up staring at myContinueContinue reading “Why Don’t I Want to Write Anymore?”

Don’t Say These Things to Someone Who is Suicidal

TRIGGER WARNING: SUICIDE + SUICIDAL THOUGHTS I say this whenever I write these kinds of posts, but I feel like this has to be said. Obviously, every person who has ever been suicidal is different. Some won’t have had these things said to them, and some won’t be bothered by having some of these thingsContinueContinue reading “Don’t Say These Things to Someone Who is Suicidal”

January has been a fail

Where I’m at Right Now

2009 vs 2019

TRIGGER WARNING: CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL ABUSE, EMOTIONAL ABUSE, BULIMIA, SUICIDE + SELF HARM There has been a trend on Instagram and Twitter over the last week, of people sharing pictures of their transformation from over the last ten years. Many of these have also been accompanied by stories: some of mental health and chronic illnessContinueContinue reading “2009 vs 2019”