Unpopular Opinions

Hi everyone! I thought I’d do a fun, lighthearted post after the more deep ones I have posted over the last few days! Which of these opinions do you agree and disagree with? What are your unpopular opinions? Let me know! Pain medication is amazing even though it’s not hugely effective with Fibromyalgia, and itContinueContinue reading “Unpopular Opinions”

Online Bullying: The New Age of Abuse

Cyber bullying is by no means a new thing. I’m pretty sure that my generation were one of the first groups of teenagers to fully experience it. I am 22 now, and when I started secondary school, Bebo and MSN were the main social media that my peers would use, closely followed by Facebook. Thankfully,ContinueContinue reading “Online Bullying: The New Age of Abuse”

End of Week Pearls of Wisdom

It’s been a while since I have written a chatty post, so I thought, it’s Sunday, why not just go for it?! You all probably know that I have a lot of random thoughts on different subjects, so I’m going to try and explain them as best as I can! BEAUTY There are many differentContinueContinue reading “End of Week Pearls of Wisdom”

Beauty YouTube and The Effects That I Believe That It’s Having on Teenagers

Hi everyone! Here I am, once again writing my blog post from my phone. I feel really poorly tonight, but I’ve wanted to write about this topic once I thought of it. When I was growing up, beauty YouTube wasn’t the huge deal that it is today. The YouTubers that I watched as a teenager,ContinueContinue reading “Beauty YouTube and The Effects That I Believe That It’s Having on Teenagers”