Life Update: First Flare Up in 2020, Future Plans & More

Hi everyone! A life update is well overdue so I thought that’s what I’d do on here today. The start of 2020 has been interesting to say the least and I feel like I’ve got a lot to say and a lot of different feelings on different situations so I’m not going to ramble onContinueContinue reading “Life Update: First Flare Up in 2020, Future Plans & More”

Why I’ve Been Keeping Things Secret.

TW: SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, EATING DISORDERS, SELF HARM, SEXUAL ABUSE & OTHER SENSITIVE TOPICS I’ve kept the title vague because I want people to read this. I’m done keeping quiet. Over the last month or so, I’ve let little bits of me not coping show. Mainly on Twitter. But I haven’t been open about how muchContinueContinue reading “Why I’ve Been Keeping Things Secret.”

2020 Goals

Hi everyone! I hope that you had a great new year, whether you celebrated or not. Honestly I slept through midnight! Even if I had the opportunity to go out, I didn’t really want to celebrate given everything going on in the world at the moment. I woke up at 1am, had a drink andContinueContinue reading “2020 Goals”


The UK government admitted that they hadn’t considered or planned for how disabled people would be affected by a no deal Brexit. This sums up how disabled people are treated in this country. For as long as I remember, the media have pushed the rhetoric that ‘people who don’t work are lazy’. Whether those peopleContinueContinue reading “Ostracised”

Stone Heart

It feels like somewhere down the line, my physical pain got so bad that I became mostly numb to emotional pain. Sometimes I can kind of feel it. You know when you have your first couple of alcoholic drinks and you can FEEL that you’ve had a drink, but you’re not drunk or even tipsy?ContinueContinue reading “Stone Heart”

A Year on From Quitting Work

At the start of June 2018, I had to go off sick from my last job. I’d only been there for not even two months at the time. However much management and colleagues try to pretend that they’re ok with it (some pretend, some don’t bother trying from my experience), they never are. As aContinueContinue reading “A Year on From Quitting Work”

Things got worse.

I’ve been a shit blogger this year. You can say that I haven’t all you like, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve only uploaded updates of how shit things are and my monthly favourites posts. The thing is, I’ve not been a shit blogger because I’m lazy. Things have changed a hell ofContinueContinue reading “Things got worse.”

Where My Health is at Right Now

I wasn’t sure what to make this post. I thought about maybe a Life Update, but I kind of wanted to talk about how things have changed over the last few months in more detail, because things have definitely got a lot worse. I’m not sure if I’m deteriorating just because I am, or if it’sContinueContinue reading “Where My Health is at Right Now”

I am Overwhelmingly Unhappy

I’m writing this at 11pm at night, as my thoughts have become too much for me and I can’t sleep. For a bit of background: my day has been the same as usual. A lot of pain and fatigue, mostly spent in bed and the same old shit routine that I’ve had everyday for months.ContinueContinue reading “I am Overwhelmingly Unhappy”

Moving Forward

Hi everyone. Thank you to anyone who is taking time out of their day to read this post, it’s been one that I’ve been finding incredibly hard to write and not just because I’ve been in pain. I’m going to take this opportunity to write about some things that I have been struggling with. Some,ContinueContinue reading “Moving Forward”