January 2020 Favourites

JANUARY 2020 FAVOURITES Hi everyone! Yes, it’s really happening, I’m staying on the ball and uploading a monthly favourites post! Unfortunately I’ve been pretty sick throughout the majority of January, but I still have some favourites along with the things that I loved in December too that didn’t get spoken about as I did myContinueContinue reading “January 2020 Favourites”

My Anastasia Beverly Hills Palettes Ranked

Anastasia Beverly Hills Palettes Ranked Hi everyone! It’s no secret that I absolutely love Anastasia Beverly Hills, especially their eyeshadow palettes, so a post talking about my thoughts on each one is well overdue. I can’t afford to collect all palettes from any brand unfortunately, but if I could collect all of them from one,ContinueContinue reading “My Anastasia Beverly Hills Palettes Ranked”

2020 Goals

Hi everyone! I hope that you had a great new year, whether you celebrated or not. Honestly I slept through midnight! Even if I had the opportunity to go out, I didn’t really want to celebrate given everything going on in the world at the moment. I woke up at 1am, had a drink andContinueContinue reading “2020 Goals”

FAVOURITES 2019: Makeup

Hi everyone! Finally, we have my 2019 makeup favourites! I’ve been so excited to write this, but it was actually a lot more difficult than it has been when I’ve written previous yearly and monthly favourites posts. Because I haven’t uploaded consistently this year and haven’t uploaded a monthly favourites posts since spring, there areContinueContinue reading “FAVOURITES 2019: Makeup”

FAVOURITES 2019: Non Makeup Products

Welcome back to my blog! Yes I know, I’m uploading consistently- it’s a miracle! Today I’m motivating myself with music and it seems to have actually worked. Anyway, I decided to separate my 2019 favourites into makeup and non makeup products, and today’s upload is dedicated to all of the things I love that aren’tContinueContinue reading “FAVOURITES 2019: Non Makeup Products”

2019 Yearly Fails

Hi everyone! Of course, among the positive posts about things I’ve loved this year that I’m posting as we approach the end of the decade, I had to let you know about the products I tried that let me down in 2019. Luckily, I don’t tend to buy products unless I’m almost positive they won’tContinueContinue reading “2019 Yearly Fails”

FAVOURITES 2019: Eyeshadow Palettes

Hi everyone- incredibly long time, no see! I’ve decided to get my arse in gear for the final week of the year and upload some posts on my favourite things throughout 2019. There are far too many things and I am way to indecisive to include them all in one post, which is why it’sContinueContinue reading “FAVOURITES 2019: Eyeshadow Palettes”

My Favourite Foundations- Summer 2019

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I uploaded an updated post on my favourite foundation, and there’s no time like the present. My specific taste in foundation has changed a lot over the past year, so there will probably be only one or two that are still the same as the last time. IContinueContinue reading “My Favourite Foundations- Summer 2019”

May Favourites

Hi everyone, welcome back to another monthly favourites post! It feels like half of the posts I’ve uploaded this year have been monthly favourites, but it’s because I’ve been struggling so so much. Not only have I been in horrific pain, but I’ve had new and worsening symptoms and stuff going on in my personalContinueContinue reading “May Favourites”

April Favourites

Hi everyone, and welcome back to yet another monthly favourites post! Is it just me, or does it feel like the months are passing by really quickly?! Maybe it’s just because I’ve been a rubbish blogger and haven’t been uploading too much. I’m making a really huge effort to get back into writing now, soContinueContinue reading “April Favourites”